Software and Firmware Upgrade Information
Firmware Upgrade Without Software License
Software and Unit Firmware Upgrade Release Notes
Software Upgrade Instructions
Below is the latest Inspirstar Profile Editor software version and release date. Software upgrade notification was pushed to all computers with Profile Editor software installed. Not all computers support the notification push service. You may click software “Help->Check for Updates” to check software updates. Some computers may not allow this feature depending on security setup. You can click Help->About to check the current software version and compare with the latest version. If the latest version is newer, please go to this website Service->Software Download and click the link to download and install the latest software version.
The latest software version 4.8.0 Release date March 21, 2023
Please click Upgrade Release Notes to check the new features, improvements, bug fixes, etc.
Firmware Upgrade Instructions
Some new product features require firmware upgrade of the units. The latest firmware for IS02BA is 0.95.4. The latest firmware for IS02LCD/IS02PRO/IS02LCDs/IS02PROs/IS02BAs is 1.80.0.
Firmware Upgrade method #1 – Automatic upgrade:
1. After the software installation or software upgrade finishes, open Profile Editor and connect the unit to the computer.
2. Click software “Tools->Product Information”. If a newer firmware version is available for your unit, the firmware upgrade can start automatically. Or you may need to click “Yes” to agree to upgrade and “Yes” to agree to reprogram protocols after upgrade.
Firmware Upgrade method #2 – Manual upgrade:
1. After the software installation or software upgrade finishes, open Profile Editor and connect the unit to the computer.
2. The firmware upgrade on next steps may delete the current protocols in the unit. You may need to backup those protocols from the unit if you didn’t ever save a copy in your computer. Click “Read” and read the profile from the unit, then click “Save Profile As” to save it on your computer.
3. Check your unit’s HW version. Click “Tools”->”Product Information”. Write down your unit’s Model and Hardware Release(HW) version. (Another method to know the HW version is to look at the circuit board through a small window inside battery chamber. REV6 and REV7 were for HW6 and HW7. If no REV info, it was for HW5.)
4. Firmware Upgrade. Click “Tools”-> “Firmware Upgrade”.
In Step 1, you should see one of the following files depending on your unit model. (xxxxx below is firmware version). Select the firmware file exactly for your unit model.
For IS02BA unit:
C:\Program Files(x86)\Inspirstar\IS02\Firmwares\ (for IS02BA unit)
For IS02BAs unit: Choose HW6 or 7 based on Hardware Release(HW) release version from Product Information
C:\Program Files(x86)\Inspirstar\IS02\Firmwares\ (for IS02BAs unit)
C:\Program Files(x86)\Inspirstar\IS02\Firmwares\ (for IS02BAs unit)
For IS02LCD unit:
C:\Program Files(x86)\Inspirstar\IS02\Firmwares\ (for IS02LCD unit)
For IS02LCDs unit: Choose HW5 or 6 or 7 based on Hardware Release(HW) release version from Product Information
C:\Program Files(x86)\Inspirstar\IS02\Firmwares\ (for IS02LCDs unit)
C:\Program Files(x86)\Inspirstar\IS02\Firmwares\ (for IS02LCDs unit)
C:\Program Files(x86)\Inspirstar\IS02\Firmwares\ (for IS02LCDs unit)
For IS02PRO unit:
C:\Program Files(x86)\Inspirstar\IS02\Firmwares\ (for IS02PRO unit)
For IS02PROs unit: Choose HW5 or 6 or 7 based on Hardware Release(HW) release version from Product Information
C:\Program Files(x86)\Inspirstar\IS02\Firmwares\ (for IS02PROs unit)
C:\Program Files(x86)\Inspirstar\IS02\Firmwares\ (for IS02PROs unit)
C:\Program Files(x86)\Inspirstar\IS02\Firmwares\ (for IS02PROs unit)
If the firmware files doesn’t show up, click “Browse” to change folder location to locate the firmware folder – C:\Program Files(x86)\Inspirstar\IS02\Firmwares.
Click “Start Upgrade”.
(Recommendation: Use new batteries for firmware upgrade.)
Note: For the operations of new features on IS02BAs/IS02LCDs/IS02PROs unit or the use of software new version, please refer to the updated documents Inspirstar IS02BAs/IS02LCDs/IS02PROs User’s Manual and Inspirstar Profile Editor User Guide, by clicking your computer “Start”-> “All Programs” -> “Inspirstar” -> “Documents”.
Firmware Upgrade Without Software License
If you or your clients/patients do not own Inspirstar Profile Editor software, you and them can download software and upgrade firmware without software license.
- Check the unit’s firmware version. On the unit, press Left Arrow to go to Main Menu->About->Version. If the version is lower than the latest versoin, you need upgrade.
- Download the latest version of software from this link and install on Windows 10 computer. After software is installed, a license window may pop up. Click cancel to ignore.
- After software is downloaded, please connect your IS02PROs or IS02LCDs unit to the computer using standard microUSB cable(data/sync cable), not charging cable.
- Click your Windows left corner Start->All Programs->Inspirstar->Inspirstar IS02 Product Information. The product information will pop up. You will be promoted with new firmware message. Please click “Yes” to upgrade and click “Yes” to reprogram protocols after firmware upgrade.